The Foundation Engineering Handbook, First Edition – Manjriker Gunaratne
Preference of The Foundation Engineering Handbook, First Edition

Content of The Foundation Engineering Handbook, First Edition
- Review of Soil Mechanics Concepts and Analytical Techniques Used in Foundation Engineering
- In Situ Soil Testing
- Spread Footings: Analysis and Design
- Geotechnical Design of Combined Spread Footings
- Structural Design of Foundations
- Design of Driven Piles and Pile Groups
- Design of Drilled Shafts
- Design of Laterally Loaded Piles
- Construction Monitoring and Testing Methods of Driven Piles
- Retaining Walls: Analysis and Design
- Stability Analysis and Design of Slopes
- Methods of Soft Ground Improvement
- Impact of Groundwater on the Design of Earthen Structures
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