Preference of Hydraulics of Groundwater

This text explores the laws and equations that govern the flow and storage of groundwater in aquifers. It provides groundwater hydrologists, as well as engineers and planners who deal with the development and management of groundwater resources, with all the necessary tools to forecast the behavior of a regional aquifer system. Following an introduction to the role and management of groundwater in water resource systems, the text examines groundwater balance and motion, mathematical statements of the groundwater forecasting problem, flow in the unsaturated zone, and groundwater quality problems.
Content of Hydraulics of Groundwater
- Introduction to Groundwater and Aquifer System
- Formulation of the Basic Groundwater Flow Equations
- Dispersion Process and Saltwater Intrusion in Groundwater
- Groundwater Flow under a Temperature Gradient
- Numerical Methods in Groundwater Flow Analysis
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