Commercial Drafting and Detailing

Commercial Drafting and Detailing

Commercial Drafting and Detailing -Alan Jefferis

Preference of Commercial Drafting and Detailing

Commercial Drafting and Detailing
Commercial drafting and detailing is a practical, comprehensive textbook intended to introduce students to the development of architectural and structural drawings required to develop a commercial structure. Students are expected to have previously completed either a basic drawing class or a class dealing with residential drafting as well as have a working knowledge of AutoCAD. Students will build on their knowledge gained through residential drafting and design as common materials and construction methods for commercial structures are explored. Throughout the text, students will be exposed to the work that the engineer or architect will do to develop the project. This book is in no way an attempt to transform CAD technicians into junior engineers. The work of the engineer and the architect is presented to help develop an understanding of the technician’s role in the overall process of developing a set of plans.

Content of Commercial Drafting and Detailing

  • Drafting and Design Considerations of Structures
  • Building Methods and Materials of Commercial Construction
  • Preparing Architectural and Civil Drawings
  • Preparing Structural Drawings

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